_pppp_kkkk_gggg_pppp_rrrr_oooo_tttt_oooo scans the indicated paths and generates a _pppp_rrrr_oooo_tttt_oooo_tttt_yyyy_pppp_eeee file that
may be used as input to the _pppp_kkkk_gggg_mmmm_kkkk command.
_----_iiii Ignores symbolic links and records the paths as _ffff_tttt_yyyy_pppp_eeee_====_ffff (a
file) versus _ffff_tttt_yyyy_pppp_eeee_====_ssss(symbolic link)
_----_cccc Maps the class of all paths to _c_l_a_s_s.
_p_a_t_h_1 Path of directory where objects are located.
_p_a_t_h_2 Path that should be substituted on output for _p_a_t_h_1.
If no paths are specified on the command line, standard input is assumed
to be a list of paths. If the path listed on the command line is a
directory, the contents of the directory are searched. However, if input
is read from _ssss_tttt_dddd_iiii_nnnn, a directory specified as a path will not be searched.
The _pppp_rrrr_oooo_tttt_oooo_yyyy_pppp_eeee file attributes _mmmm_aaaa_cccc, _ffff_iiii_xxxx_eeee_dddd, and _iiii_nnnn_hhhh_eeee_rrrr_iiii_tttt_eeee_dddd, cannot be
determined by _pppp_kkkk_gggg_pppp_rrrr_oooo_tttt_oooo; to add these attributes to the _pppp_rrrr_oooo_tttt_oooo_tttt_yyyy_pppp_eeee file,
you must add them to the file manually. See _pppp_rrrr_oooo_tttt_oooo_tttt_yyyy_pppp_eeee(4).
By default, _pppp_kkkk_gggg_pppp_rrrr_oooo_tttt_oooo creates symbolic link entries for any symbolic link
encountered (_ffff_tttt_yyyy_pppp_eeee_====_ssss). When you use the _----_iiii option, _pppp_kkkk_gggg_pppp_rrrr_oooo_tttt_oooo creates a
file entry for symbolic links (_ffff_tttt_yyyy_pppp_eeee_====_ffff). The _pppp_rrrr_oooo_tttt_oooo_tttt_yyyy_pppp_eeee file must be
edited to assign file types such as _vvvv (volatile), _eeee (editable), or _xxxx
(exclusive directory). _pppp_kkkk_gggg_pppp_rrrr_oooo_tttt_oooo detects linked files. If multiple files
are linked together, the first path encountered is considered the source
of the link.
The following two examples show uses of _pppp_kkkk_gggg_pppp_rrrr_oooo_tttt_oooo and a partial listing of